That being said I decided to do a crazy challenge. I was over at my buddies and was so sick of the game that I told him I was going to play strictly $5NL for 1 million hands. That's right, blinds of $.02/$.05. I figured I could 16 table playing 1200 hands an hr. That being said I should get to my goal after about 835 hr of play or so. Which if I play 16hr a week I can get done in 1 year. The over-all idea was to win at a rate of a minimum 10bb/100. If I can do that I can get to my $5000 goal. Not sure anyone in the world has won $5000 at $5NL let alone play 1 million hands at the level.
An outside goal would be to win at a 12bb/100 rate which would push my winnings to $6000. Either way I think this challenge should be pretty fun. I should earn about 70k full tilt points in that time as well which is worth about $300. Make about $800 in RakeBack and maybe clear about $2k in bonus and possible reloads............Crazy to think maybe get close to making $10,000.
I plan on updating once a week with a graph and possibly some stats.
Here is a start..........wish me luck!