
Sunday, October 14, 2007


Well I have just completed my first 20 days of playing the 45 man MTT's. Starting with the $5 buy-ins and moving up to the $10 buy-ins. Through the first 179 I continue to run pretty well. I take bad beat all the time but the one consistent thing I do do is always get my money in ahead. Well like 80% of the time anyway! I have started to wonder if 50% ROI is maintainable at these type of tourneys. The In the Money % is pretty common for good players at 22%. I hope by the end of the month to be playing the $20 tourneys.

Yesterday I found out that Absolute Poker may have had players cheating on their site. What kind of cheating? Well lets just ask, "How would you do if could see someone else's whole cards?" That's right, someone at AP may of hand a super user account with the ability to see other players whole cards. If you are interested in finding out more info check out this follow link: POKER CHEAT. Take if for what you will, but once the HH comes out it will be pretty obvious in my opinion. (If not already). So at this time I have dropped my affiliation with AP. I suggest that if you have money on that site that you strongly think about cashing out.

Best of luck at the tables.

**Just in: The HH from the super user that can see your whole cards----------> HERE**

Talk about sickning! How could he not see their cards?

1 comment:

putdawhumponum said...

I think you found your calling with those sngos jon, keep it up!