
Sunday, January 4, 2009


Well for awhile today my heater carried over form yesterday...........and at one point I was up 4 buy-ins! Just pretty much getting carded and running over people! Then the day got kind of crazy. I lost 4 pretty big all-ins in a row.........I was 60/40 or 50/50 in most of them......O well it happens. Then I went on a little mini heater to get some back. I ended up getting sucked out a few times at the end to end the day up about 1 buy-in. Below are my daily graphs/stats and some fun hands!

Daily Stats:

Daily Graph:

Here are some my top 3 winning hands:

Huge suck out for me, but I push these draws all day!

Here I dodge two guys on flush draws. Fill up on turn! Ship it!

Here guys obv misses his flush/combo draw! I made him pay the price!

Top 3 losing hands:

Here I just get Pwned........Crazy guy, I should def fold turn! He is same villain in my 3rd winning hand!

Here I get in against a crazy as a 56/40 favorite.

Here I lose getting in all in as a 57/42 favorite.

Almost everyone of these all-in and calls are based on prior villain knowledge. I am pretty crazy aggressive at times and really get people off their games. Given that the calls and plays are pretty standard IMO.


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