
Thursday, February 26, 2009


So today I started a Calorie Tracking Program to see what I am really eating and what I need to work on to be in better shape. The software is from I have set up a goal of 1800 Cal per day while burning between 2200-3000 depending on my fitness program. If I can burn 500 more Cal per day then I intake I can safely lose 1 lb a week and get back down to my Ideal weight. Don't get me wrong, I am not that big of guy (5'8" 175lbs) but just know I am getting out of shape and would like to lose 10 or so lbs before gaining weight from muscle, which P90x will definitely do! Well here is my 1st day above. Check it out:

Like I said above I have re-started the P90x workout to get in the best shape of my life! I am in the process of getting all the equipment together so the complete daily routine won't start tell next Monday! With a good dietary plan and strict workout program I should be able to get the results I am looking for! Wish me luck!

Well over the last 5.5 hrs of play I have been absolutely just crushing poker. I am up almost 8 buy-ins in that time and officially out of my downswing (knock on wood!) But yeah it feels good to have a couple big winning session in a row.........check it out below:

$50 NL ($.25/$.50)

Today: +$217.60
Last 7 Days: +$40.15 ----Not including rake and bonus
This Month:
+$790.10 +($322.82 Rake/Bonus) = +$1112.92
This Year:
+$1856.06+($770.63 Rake/Bonus) = +$2626.69

Rake/Bonus this year: $770.63

840 hands***2.67 hours***28.81/22.50***MT: 3.03


Seouless17 said...

Jon, i have always been interested in trying that P90X, lmk how it works for you.

As for offering help with my Poker game, I definitely will be takin gyou up on that.

Best of Luck in your Online & Offline Life.

parttimebonuschaser said...

all linked up mate